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12 Benefits of Pare for health (No. 12 Prevent harmful diseases)

Not many people love the food that has a bitter taste like pare. Though, pare is often processed into a vegetable side or even a mixture of snacks such as Siomay. Despite the bitter taste, the benefits of pare are remarkable for our body, Lho! What are the benefits of pare? Read more about the explanation below.

Pare for health Benefits
Here is a myriad of the benefits of pare for health and can restore the function of organs that have experienced disorders:

1. Healthy Digestion
Health experts call that pare as one of the foods that can provide tremendous benefits to our digestive health. Not only effectively improve the function, the benefits of Pare can also prevent the problem of gastric acid increase.

The bitter taste of this vegetable is also able to synthesze the secretion of mucus that can finally make the balance of acid in the body is better thereby preventing the coming of peptic ulcers.

2. Constipation
The benefits of Pare help defecate (BAB) easily because it contains fiber properties. Food is digested and waste is discharged from the body and helps cure digestive problems and constipation.

3. Decrease Body Sensitivity
The benefits of PARE for health can be if you routinely consume bitter vegetables such as vegetable pare, then we can lower the sensitivity of some foods. Stomach health will also be better.

4. Maintain weight
The efficacy of PARE is also able to make us full faster so that we will avoid the consumption of food too much that can trigger weight gain.

5. Overcoming Diabetes
The unexpectancy is, it turns out that vegetable pare benefits can also help maintain a balance of blood sugar levels and some types of hormones, including endocrine hormones. It certainly affects the risk of being decreased by diabetes. In fact, health experts also call pare can help the healing process of kidney stones.

6. Aids in treating HIV/AIDS
Based on laboratory tests published in the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, shows that the phytochemical composition in pare inhibits human immunodeficiency virus activity (HIV). Pare provides additional effects in combination with AIDS treatment.

Likewise, preliminary studies have shown that pare, with its antiviral properties can treat patients with the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1), and prevent the spread of herquotation plaque to others.

7. Nourish the Eyes
Pare contains beta carotene and vitamin A is beneficial to nourish the eye. Vitamin C in Pare can also prevent the eye problems caused by oxidation process.

8. Overcoming Acne
The benefits of Pare can help to remove acne, stains and deep skin infections when in consumption routinely. Pare is also useful for treating blood disorders such as ulcers, scabies, itching, psoriasis, ringworm and other fungal diseases. The free radicals contained in the PARE are also beneficial for anti-aging. So, consume this bitter pare juice mixed with lemon when the stomach is empty every day for 6 months or until you get the result you want.

9. Immune system
Not only pare, apparently pare-leaf can be used for health. The trick is quite easy, you just boil a pare leaf and drink the boiling water regularly every day to fight the infection. This can also help you build your immune system.

10. Heart disease
Pare benefits for excellent heart health, by helping to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol that clog the artery walls and reduce the likelihood of heart attack. As previously described, pare benefits can also lower blood sugar levels that help maintain cardiovascular health.

11. Cleanse the Blood
The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of pare can help to treat skin problems, blood disorders, cleanse toxins in the blood, and improve blood circulation throughout the body.

This clean blood can help cure some skin problems such as itching caused by toksaemia, rash, acne, psoriasis, boils and even inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body.

12. Prevents cancer
Based on research, the benefits of pare fruit for health is overcoming inflammation and cancer, extracts from pare can inhibit the growth of cancer cells by inducing apoptosis, taking cell cycles, autophagy and inhibiting stem cell cancer.

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