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Benefits of Siamese Pumpkin: from lowering the high blood to preventing cancer

Sechium edule or better known as chayote, is a type of vegetable that is often consumed by Indonesian people. This vegetable can be immediately enjoyed by boiling with the skin. Tastes good and sweet makes this vegetable easy to be processed. Besides being boiled, people generally make this vegetable as a material to make vegetable lodeh, rice cake, sauteed pumpkin, fresh vegetables, and so forth. Well, about anything, yes, the benefits of pumpkin to health?

The nutritional content of pumpkin Siamese
At first glance, Chayote is not as popular as other vegetable types. Even so, these vegetables actually have many health benefits, Loh. Because it does not contain cholesterol and saturated fats, pumpkin is one of the low calorie vegetable types. No wonder, if this vegetable is often recommended for people who want to lower cholesterol and reduce weight.

Not only that, chayote is rich in fiber, antioxidant, iron, manganese, Fosdor, zinc, potassium, copper, vitamin B1, B2, B6, and vitamin C. The Siamese pumpkin is also rich in folate content that assists cell formation and DNA synthesis. In addition, these vegetables also in fact contain a small amount of polyponon antioxidants, aglikon, flavonoids that are essential in helping combat free radicals and reactive oxygen species (SOR) in the body that both play a role in the aging and development of cancer.

Benefits of pumpkin for health
After learning some of the nutrients in the Siamese pumpkin, here are some benefits of pumpkin for health that you should know.

1. Good for pregnant women
The folate content (vitamin B9) in the Siamese pumpkin is great to help meet the nutritional needs of the mother during pregnancy. Research shows that folate deficiency in pregnancy will cause health problems for babies. For example, neural tube defects, heart problems, extremity malformations, even miscarriages.

2. Maintaining cholesterol
As described above, the Siamese pumpkin contains less calories and does not contain saturated fats or cholesterol. Well, this makes pumpkins as one of the good foods to keep your cholesterol levels within normal limits.

3. Controlling high blood pressure
Another Siamese pumpkin Mafaat is this vegetable can help you control blood pressure because it has mild diuretic properties.

4. Overcoming anemia
Iron deficiency can make a person susceptible to anemia. Well, it turns out the Siamese pumpkin is the source of such compounds. The content of iron vitamins in Siamese pumpkins can help hemogloblin bind to oxygen.

4. Ward off free radicals
The Siamese pumpkin is a source of vitamin C which acts as a strong antioxidant. Well, the antioxidant itself is a substance that can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. In addition to ward off free radicals, vitamin C content in Siamese pumpkins also helps prevent free radical skin damage caused by premature aging.

5. Anti-Cancer
The antioxidant content of poly phenolic flavonoids on Siamese pumpkins can bind to free radicals that are harmful to the body. This free radical if not noticed then can trigger the growth of cancer cells in the body. That's why if you routinely consume pumpkins can help prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.

Not only that, a recent study conducted by the students of UGM is known if the chayote can be used as a base ingredient for making ointment for the treatment of alternative melanoma Maligna. This is because the chayote contains flavonoids compounds and saponins which are compounds of secondary metabolites and have anti-cancer properties.

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